Arubanative has reported that Aruba Hospital Data has been hacked and hacker is requesting 250K dollar. If payment isn't made, they will publish patients confidential information.
Our IT/Security departments must be aware of what is happening in this digital world that we are living in. With that being said, we know that on the daily basis organization are being target around the world. On Curacao there are organizations that has also been hacked. Therefore it's very important that we are monitoring our security with a critical eye.
If your organization currently doesn't have a backup, lack the necessary security tools, poor employees security behavior or doesn't have the knowledgeable staff to implement security procedure, Pure ICT is here to make IT easy for you. Contact us at info@pure-ict.com or 841-7873.
We will analyze your current infrastructure and support you through the process to ensure that you have the proper infrastructure to prevent being the next victim.
Continue reading below article published by Arubanative in papiamento.
For di ayera, caba Hospital ta confrontando problemanan serio cu nan sistema computerisa. E sistema actualmente ta completamente down.
Un Hacker a drenta den e netwerk di hospital y e ta exigiendo placa, esaki den forma di Bitcoin, cual nos a compronde convertiendo e lo bira un suma equivalente na 250 mil dollar, sino paga esaki, e Hacker ta menasa di bay saca tur datos di tur pashent y lo spaart nan rond riba internet. Pa casualidad algun tempo atras hospital a digitalisa tur datos di pashentnan.
Investigacionnan ta andando y aki ta trata di un persona cu no ta di Aruba, dus di exterior. Tur trahadornan a wordo pidi pa no restart niun computer y ni cellular cu ta pertenese na hospital.
Full e sistema di hospital ta down y no ta funcionando actualmente, a wordo bisa cu esaki lo por dura 2 siman pa keda cla, pero no ta sigur, e caso aki ta hopi serio. Hospital ta ariba bou, reunionnan ta andando y a reuni cu Minister caba tocante e situacion sumamente serio na Dr. Horacio Oduber Hospital.
Source: ArubaNative